What will I learn?


"So far the philosophers have only understood the world. The point, however, is to change it." - Karl Marx

This is an explorative, team-based class that aims to apply the tools of Needfinding (interviewing, qualitative research, hands-on experimental inquiry and data synthesis in teams) to complex systems change. We aim to understand the systems that we are a part of through hands-on experiments and in-depth interviews around "blockers to change." In particular, this class will focus on using the skills of Needfinding to deeply understand people, their actions, their motivations, and how to change them with compassion. 

This is a required course for the two-year Design Impact Masters Program. This is also an open d.school class, which means that it is additionally open to all members of the Stanford student community, including undergraduates, graduates and fellows. If you are interested but unsure about your eligibility, please send us an email. 

Please note that this class involves a mandatory section of 90 minutes per week, timing to be determined according to student availability. 


Learn With

Teaching Team

Michael Barry
Adjunct Professor/Designer/ Engineer/Researcher

Michelle Jia
Lecturer/Researcher/Comp Lit

Yuri Zaitsev
Lecturer, Design Researcher and Engineer


Any questions?

Please contact: Michael mrbarry@stanford.edu / Michelle mjia@quotient-dr.com