Stoke Deck Warm-up activities that can be used as part of a workshop, a class, or a party!

Boost energy, foster collaboration or ignite creativity.

  • Develop Your Design Work
  • Educators
  • Tool
  • A stoke is a short activity that teams of all sizes can use to set the vibe for their group. 

    This deck is a collection of 28 stokes to boost energy, build connection, foster empathy, support collaboration or cultivate creativity. With a stoke, you learn with your body, not just your head.  Doing a stoke can demonstrate what it feels like to be generative, get into a certain mindset, or just feel excited!

    How does it work?

    Download the Stoke Deck, or visit the Stoke Deck site. Use the Stoke Index to select the type of activity appropriate for the moment–Boost Energy, Communicate a Mindset, Create Focus, Get Personal, or Nurture Camaraderie–or see the whole list. Or you can get a random stoke by tapping on the “Gimme a Stoke” button. 


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    Taylor Cone and Tania Anaissie, with art by Ashish Goel