Emotional Journey Map Understand feelings of belonging and othering.

Chart your feelings, both positive and negative, over time as a way to help identify when and where different emotions occur. 

  • Develop Your Design Work
  • Educators
  • Tool
  • There are many definitions of belonging and its insistent opposing force, othering.

    Belonging is being accepted and invited to participate; othering, by contrast, is treating people from another group as essentially different from, and generally inferior to, the group you belong to. Feelings of belonging are powerful. Belonging is a real factor in having the confidence to believe in oneself and in one’s ability to do hard things. This activity is a great starting point for anyone who wants to think about where feelings of belonging and othering occur. 

    How does it work?

    The aim of this downloadable activity is to help learners of any age understand their feelings of belonging and othering. To help them develop self-awareness, confidence, and the agency to spark change. The activity is written to be used in the classroom, but it can be done with any group.



    Design for Belonging by Susie Wise

    Educator Guide: edited by Jennifer Brown and designed by Lauren Steltzer


    Exam Copies for Educators

    To request a complimentary examination copy to review for use in your classroom, contact Penguin Random House Education here