What is this?


We’ve updated this resource! Find the newest version here, now called Design Thinking Bootleg

The Design Thinking Bootcamp Bootleg is an overview of some of our most-used tools. The guide was originally intended for recent graduates of our Bootcamp: Adventures in Design Thinking class. But we’ve heard from folks who’ve never been to the d.school that have used it to create their own introductory experience to design thinking.  The Bootcamp Bootleg is more of a cook book than a text book, and more of a constant work-in-progress than a polished and permanent piece.  This resource is free for you to use and share—and we hope you do.

How can I use the Bootcamp Bootleg?

The Bootleg is an active toolkit to support your design thinking practice. The guide is not just to read – go out in the world and try these tools yourself. In each section, we outline a mode of a human-centered design process, and then describe dozens of specific methods to do design work. These process modes and methods provide a tangible toolkit which support the mindsets that are vital attitudes for a design thinker to hold. 

How can I share this with others?

This resource is free for you to use and share – and we hope you do. We only ask that you respect the Creative Commons license (attribution, noncommercial use). The work is licensed under the Creative Commons AttributionNonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/ 

How can I give you feedback?

We welcome your reactions to this guide. Please share the stories of how you use it in the field. Let us know what you find useful, and what methods you have created yourself – write to: bootleg@dschool.stanford.edu


Thomas Both, Fellows Director and d.school faculty member.

Dave Baggereor, Entrepreneur and d.school faculty member. 

and a plethora of d.school contributors.