sam thinks, inks, and links at the brinks of education, race, culture, and design.
sam seidel is the Director of Products + Publications, and Co-Director of the K12 Lab at the Stanford sam is the co-author of Creative Hustle: Blaze Your Own Path and Make Work That Matters, as well as Hip Hop Genius 2.0: Remixing High School Education, and Changing the Conversation About School Safety. He is co-editor of From White Folks Who Teach in the Hood: Reflections on Race, Culture, and Identity. He has worked on two anthologies of writing by incarcerated authors, and helped other authors craft and publish their work. sam speaks internationally about design, race, culture, and education. He has taught in a wide variety of settings from public elementary schools to Ivy League graduate programs. sam has built and directed programs with and for young people affected by incarceration. And he has led design strategy projects for organizations throughout the country. He is always learning.