• It can be hard to get here! We'll try to make it a bit easier.
How to find us
If you're visiting us in person, we recommend allowing 20 extra minutes to find parking and our building (and using Google maps).
Roble Parking Garage or Tressider Parking Lot is the closest parking. More information on how to pay for parking.
Public Transportation
If you are not driving, you can get a free shuttle bus from the Palo Alto Caltrain station, the Marguerite P Line, which will drop you at the Oval, a short walk through the Old Quad to the d.school.
Hasso Plattner Institute of Design
416 Escondido Mall
Building 550, Room 169
Stanford, CA 94305-3086
Thomas F. Peterson Engineering Laboratory
Building 550
550 Panama Mall
Stanford, CA 94305