By: K12 Lab Network

Beginning February 25, 2019, educators across the world will pack their backpack, throw on sneakers, and immerse themselves in a student’s life for a day. The Shadow a Student Challenge is a fun, illuminating, and supportive journey where educators come together to empathize with their students and then take small steps to improve their school.

As a middle school principal, I shadowed a sixth grade student in order to gain insight on how to support them as they transition to the middle school next year. I learned a great deal about the teaching, learning, and assessing that is occurring at the elementary school and will use that information as I work with the teachers at the middle school. I have already started working with the sixth grade teachers and administrators to provide more orientation activities for the sixth grade students to assist them with the transition to the middle school.
— Nate Frank

One student. One shadow. Exponential insights to improve schools.

What might you learn that could improve the way your students experience school? Find out by diving in - join the Challenge!

Register today at

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#ShadowAStudent Day has been one of the most influential experiences I’ve had in over a decade of school leadership. - Dennis Schug
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