How do we assess things that matter?



Within the last decade, our education system has been increasingly focused on assessment.  With standardized testing becoming the norm, it’s important to question whether these forms of assessment are good ways to measure a student’s ability, and how these tests help students learn and grow. 

Educators across the country are focusing on skills such as critical thinking, collaboration, and communication as a way to improve an outdated system that has prioritized rote memorization over deeper learning. Unfortunately, standardized tests seldom measure these important skills.  

The K12 lab has developed an unconventional model to radically rethink ways of assessing hard-to-measure skills, such as collaboration and communication.  By harnessing the international craze of escape rooms, and the educational imperative of deepening student learning, our team has engaged educators around the country with a mobile escape room we designed and prototyped called the Deeper Learning Puzzle Bus! After taking the bus on the road to multiple conferences and schools and serving over 500 educators, we want to share everything we’ve learned with you!  Check out the links on the right to learn more.

Check back for updates or sign up for the K12 Lab Network newsletter! 


Can I come see the bus?

The bus is currently getting a makeover to be a new learning experience. Stay tuned!

Can I book the bus to come to my school/event?

We are no longer visiting schools with the bus, but we are open to discussing how you might reimagine assessment. Send us an email to discuss:


Design an Escape Room

Here are some resources and materials on how to design and create an escape room in your classroom.

Escape room resources

Live updates from the field

Follow our progress on twitter using #EscapeTheTest

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