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In the summer of 1973, Dr. Bernie Roth (now our Academic Director) was in residence at the University of Negev in their Mechanical Engineering Department (Bernie is also a famous roboticist).
While there, he put pen to paper and wrote down a manual of sorts called "Design Process and Creativity." Inside are the bones of the practices we still teach today: including the idea that we all possess the ability to think creatively, we have blocks that limit creative and can be overcome and design & creativity can be stimulated through particular activities.
Bernie's paper is very much related to the work and thinking that was happening in Stanford Design Division (as it was called at the time) through Bernie himself as well as professors like Bob McKim and Jim Adams.
It's a short, inspiring read.
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Bernie Roth is a founding member of the d.school, d.school Academic Director and a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford.