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The is transitioning several of the design thinking tools taught to global leaders to help empower individuals during these uncertain times. Check out the online course happening in mid-May 2020.

90 Minute Coronavirus Career Crisis Workshop

Thursday, May 14 - 9:00am-10:30 PDT

What a chapter of change and uncertainty!  Many of us face intense change in our work lives like working from home, furloughs, and layoffs, as complete industries struggle to stay afloat.  Our social and personal lives are changing radically too.  As a response to so much acute change and pain, the Stanford is offering this workshop for re-imagining your professional life in the face of this pandemic.  

You will learn Stanford tools to:

  • Reframe the current constraints into opportunities to make changes in your career

  • Generate new ideas for your next professional chapter

  • Rapidly prototype and quickly experiment with many versions of your new professional life in a period of days, not months

As an outcome, you will have proven techniques of idea generation and prototyping from the Institute of Design at Stanford (

This workshop will be meaningful for you if you are currently searching for a new career path, navigating a recently changed role description, or just looking ahead to your next career move.

You will need a computer or device with video conferencing capabilities.

Sign up for a 90-minute workshop for $45.00 on Thursday, May 14 - 9:00am-10:30 PDT.

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Virtual Studio: Shelter in Plays

Ariel Raz

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