Improvisation is critical to creativity and Stanford d.school methods. We are thrilled to host improv experts from The Second City!
The Stanford d.school is thrilled to host special guest, Executive Director of Insights and Applied Improvisation, Kelly Leonard (co-author of "Yes, And: How Improvisation Reverses "No, But" Thinking and Improves Creativity and Collaboration--Lessons from The Second City") and his colleague, the Director of Improv, Piero Procaccini.
Chicago's world famous Second City has launched the careers of Tina Fey and Steve Carell, and has established itself as a premier training ground for creative art. We at the Stanford d.school lean heavily on improvisation methods to bring out creativity and innovation from teams.
Kelly and Piero will share an experiential immersion into the mindset of "Yes, And" as the means to get to an abundant amount of ideas. They'll then introduce the idea of "Thank You, Because" as a way to use "Yes, And" to speak across difference, based on their work with the University of Chicago.
This session will build upon the concepts illuminated in our Master's of Creativity series. Check out our prior talks:
"MoC 1 - Inspiration" recording on YouTube
"MoC 2 - Perspective Portfolio" recording on YouTube
"MoC 2 - Perspective Portfolio" deck
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