Join members of our K12 lab to discuss insights and strategies they have been developing for community problem solving. This talk is part of the Masters of Creativity: Education Edition.
Every organization has something they know needs to improve, but that they can’t seem to advance. No matter how much they try it remains a persistent, intractable problem. Design for Community Problem Solving supports people in identifying an intractable challenge by examining their own data looking through the lenses of design, equity, and community development to find bright spots in their community—homegrown solutions—that they can amplify and scale.
About the Masters of Creativity: Education Edition
Innovation in education has been ubiquitous with technology over the last decade, but now that everyone is becoming more equipped to teach in a digital world, what is the role of innovation in education now?
The time has come to redefine “Head of Innovation.” Join us as we embark on a series exploring how innovation leaders in education can be effective creative practitioners themselves and spark the creative courage of their students and educators within their communities to make an equitable change.
The Masters of Creativity: Education Edition will feature six sessions, each focused on competency that will support the Head of Innovation and build a vibrant community of creativity, discovery, innovation, and entrepreneurship. Learn more and check out more upcoming events here.