What will I learn?


Re-imagining San Francisco's Transport System with Empathy

For more than a hundred years, San Francisco’s transportation system has served as the lifeline for the city and its residents. In this pop out workshop, Stanford students with transportation planners from the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Authority (SFTMA) will work together in teams to re-envision a 21st century transportation system through the design abilities of empathy and need-finding. We will engage in an immersive design challenge that will lead you to experience the city’s transportation system in ways that you may not have experienced. You will learn to empathize, understand, and analyze the needs of diverse transportation users and see how it all fits together to suggest new pathways for planning and engaging a diverse urban community

Learn With

Teaching Team

Deland Chan
Co-Founder of Human Cities Initiative, Assistant Director of Urban Studies

Hannah Jones
Design Educator and Researcher, d.school Teaching Fellow (2015-2016)

Seamus Yu Harte
Co-Founder and CEO, Only People