What will I learn?


In the wake of recent tensions in the electoral space, there has never been a more critical time to explore the intersection of design and election administration. This engaging, project-based course will offer students the opportunity to apply design principles to a compelling, timely design space, and work on real-world applications that can help improve how local election offices administer elections. Through exposure to multiple levels of design, including visual design, service design, strategic design, and systems design, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of how design can be applied to the administration side of elections.

As part of this course, students will learn about the various stages of the election administration process, including voter registration, ballot design, poll worker recruitment and training, and election results reporting. Working in teams, students will explore the challenges and opportunities facing local election officials, and consider the role of design in improving the efficiency, accuracy, and transparency of election administration. Through these projects, students will gain hands-on experience in applying design principles to real-world problems, and develop the critical thinking and problem-solving skills necessary to drive positive change in the electoral space. In addition to project work, students will have the opportunity to hear from guest speakers in the election administration field, attend relevant events and conferences, and engage with local election officials and advocacy groups.

Learn With

Teaching Team

David Janka
Designer-in-Residence and Lecturer, Stanford d.school


Nadia Roumani
Designer-in-Residence and Lecturer, Stanford d.school


Any questions?

How can I contact the teaching team?



Winter 2023

Course #’s : DESIGN 268

Units : 3-4

Grading Basis : Letter Grade

Days / Times : Tuesday & Thursday | 1:30p - 4:20p

Location : Studio 2 | d.school


Applications Due by 11:59pm on Sunday December 10th

Instructors will notify students of application status by 5pm on Friday December 15th.

Apply Here