Audience: Public

In our next futures series, join award-winning journalist, broadcaster, and novelist Minister Faust for an interactive exploration of science fiction as a powerful tool for futures-thinking and expanding our imagination of what is possible, and how pro-social competitions can shape the future.
The webinar will run from 12-1PM on Thursday, May 13th.

Together we'll learn about Afritopianism, Faust's sub-genre of writing, that draws from myriad ancient African civilizations to explore present realities and envision futures in which people struggle not only for justice, but for the stars, and a major Pan-African contest that is reshaping government performance across the continent. How can that example help reshape North America?

This session will provide you with both the inspiration and the tools to begin to translate your learning into practice. Come build your capacity to imagine systems, structures, and worlds that don't yet exist and to dream together about a collective future that is truly just and equitable.

Learn more about Minister Faust's inspiring work here.
