What will I learn?


Design healthcare products, systems and services that serve marginalized pediatric patients.

This course is a journey into discovering the inadequacies of our healthcare system, understanding the people who it fails, and uncovering what your values are as a designer.

You will engage hospitals, clinicians, families, social service agencies, policy experts, and technologists to improve healthcare for pediatric patients covered by Medi-Cal. You’ll visit the hospital, a simulation lab, homes of families, and a social service office, and you’ll hear from experts in the field, all to gain a deep understanding of the problems and potential needs. We will use designing thinking methodology as a guide to navigate the ambiguous waters of need-finding and solution development.

We will focus on patients and families from low-income communities served by Stanford’s General Pediatrics Division. Our class will define and address essential disparities in child health, informed by national evidence and community needs assessments. Our aim is to imagine novel interventions in the form of products, services or systems that may reduce health disparities for children with medical complexity (CMC).

This class requires a 2-quarter commitment and regular attendance. The first quarter teaches methods for conducting rigorous design research and skills-building, while the second quarter is focused on prototyping and testing your ideas. This is the 9th course Jules has co-designed with clinicians from Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

More information can be found here.

Learn With

Teaching Team

Jules Sherman
CEO, Maternal Life LLC

Dr. Lee Sanders
MD, MPH Chief, Division of General Pediatrics

Jessica Hsueh
ME Candidate


Any questions?

How do I contact the teaching team?

Email Jules at julessherman@alumni.stanford.edu